The Red Wing Human Rights Commission continues to take nominations for the 2021 Amos Owen Award. Nominations are due Thursday, September 16 at 4 pm, and anyone in the general Red Wing area is eligible.
Since 2001, the annual Amos Owen Award has recognized local individuals for their work in promoting justice and equality for others based around human rights.
The award is named after Amos Owen, a Mdewakanton elder and spiritual leader from the Prairie Island Indian Community who worked tirelessly to preserve Dakota language and culture.
If you know of someone in the community who should be recognized, please nominate them.
Simply go to the HRC web page for nomination forms: org/906/Amos-Owen-Award. Online and paper copies are available.
Contact Michelle at michelle. leise@ci. red- wing. mn. us or 651- 212- 3812 with any questions.