The City of Wabasha reports that as of Monday at noon,
Mississippi River levels were at 13.09 feet. According to the forecast, pool 4 is expected to reach 13.7 feet at 1 pm on Sunday, June 30th. Moderate flood stage is 14 feet.
Due to the rise in the Mississippi River level, the following parks and roads will be closed until further notice:
Malone Park & Bike Path
Izaak Walton Park, Parking Lot, and Boat Launch – Including Road Closures @
Park Entrances
Maiden Avenue just after 4th Street West
Beach Park & Parking Lot – Including a Road Closure @
Main Street West @ the beginning of the Beach Park Parking Lot
Parkside Marina Boat Launch & Parking Lot – Including Road Closures @
Shields Avenue @ 3rd Street West
Cratte Avenue @ 3rd Street West
3rd Street West past Gambia Avenue
Wabasha Public Works along with Emergency Management will continue to monitor water levels and open the parks, roads, and launches up as soon as it’s safe.