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Red Wing Summer Construction

Greg Taylor

Summer means outdoor fun on the water, baseball and other warm weather activities, and it also means road construction projects will be getting underway.

Ryan Illa, project manager for the City of Red Wing Engineering Department, says there will be a 2-year project just off Highway 61 near Memorial Park and Colvill Park.

This project consists of full reconstruction including replacement of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain, sewer and water services, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and bituminous pavement of the following streets:

  • Phase 1 (2023) – East Seventh Street (500 Feet East of Centennial Street to Wilkinson Street)

  • Phase 2 (2024) – Wilkinson Street to TH 61 Entrance Near Colvill Park Entrance

Illa says both parks entrances will remain open during the construction.

Another big project kicks off in April, replacing the Hwy 61 bridge over Withers Harbor Drive and Hay Creek in Red Wing and reconstructing the approaches to the bridge from Bench Street to Withers Harbor Drive and make other road improvements.

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