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Red Wing High School Musical

Greg Taylor

This years Red Wing High School annual musical is Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and will be held at the Sheldon Theatre.

The Beast is a prince who is magically transformed into a monster and his servants into household objects as punishment for his arrogance and cruelty. Belle is a young woman whom he imprisons in his castle in exchange for her father's freedom.

Lucy Johnson plays Belle and she says it’s been a blast.

Deyhani Cooper plays a wardrobe who gets transformed in the production.     

ZoeyAnna Lohman says her character’s name is Sausage Curly Lady and she also ends up changed.

River Christianson plays the Beast in the production and the cast, including the live orchestra, features around 60 students.  

Show times are Thursday, January 25th at 7 pm, Friday the 26th and Saturday, the 27th at 7:30 pm and a 3 pm matenee on Sunday, the 28th.

Tickets are $20, $13 for students, and can be purchased online at or by calling 651-388-8700.

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