MnDOT snowplows will be out on southeast Minnesota state highways Friday but driving conditions may be difficult at times with periods of heavy snowfall, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for all of southeast Minnesota. Motorists can expect difficult driving conditions Friday afternoon through early Saturday with predicted snowfall rates of 1-2 inches an hour in some areas of southeast Minnesota.
Motorists should consider adjusting their travel plans with snowfall expected to affect road conditions and travel speeds. Conditions are expected to worsen in the afternoon.
MnDOT has 101 snowplows in southeast Minnesota. During winter weather such as what’s forecasted, MnDOT is likely to deploy two shifts of drivers in the snowplows, who can keep the snowplowing effort going around the clock by working 12-hour shifts. In southeast Minnesota, MnDOT plows 3,700 lane miles with the average route for drivers being 31 miles.
MnDOT snowplow operators will do their part to make highways safe. Motorists should remember to:
Don’t drive distracted.
Stay alert for snowplows, which turn or exit frequently and may travel over centerlines or partially in traffic to further improve road conditions.
Stay back at least 10 car lengths behind the plow. Don’t drive into a snow cloud.
Slow down to a safe speed for current conditions.
Turn on your headlights and wear your seat belt.
Turn off the cruise control.
Be patient and remember snowplows are working to improve road conditions for your trip.
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