Highway 61 between Red Wing and Lake City is scheduled to open soon.
According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the 10 mile stretch is expected to reopen to traffic by Saturday, September 30th.
MnDOT has been resurfacing Hwy 61 from Lake City to Red Wing since July 5th and the project will also include adding passing lanes near Frontenac to reduce congestion and allow an area for safer passing.
The project will improve visibility, widen the road in multiple places to accommodate a bike lane, upgrade guardrails, and complete bridge maintenance.
The remaining work of the project is scheduled in October, and it includes the installation of permanent signing, lighting, seeding, pavement markings/striping, rumble strips and aggregate shouldering.
Flaggers will direct motorists through the areas that crews are working, so short traffic delays are possible. All project work is expected to be complete by the end of October.