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Plainview’s Lions Club Asfahl Donation

Greg Taylor

Plainview’s Lions Club recently donated $1,000 to the family of Josh and Kimberlee Asfahl, who lost their home south of Elgin to fire on December 1st.

The money will help with the costs of replacing family items and Christmas presents that were lost.

According to the Plainview News, the Asfahls, along with Jose Merida Sr. and their children, awoke to the house on fire at 3:30 am. Everyone escaped with only minor injures, but was left with only the clothes on their back.

Fire crews from Elgin, Plainview and Dover responded to the site in Woodland Hills and tried to save as many belongings as possible. But the house was a total loss.

Lions president Andrew Sackreiter says when they learned about the fire we heard that the Asfahl family lost everything they had, and they wanted to help out financially and voted to provide $1,000 to assist with expenses.

A Go Fund me page and an Amazon page have been set up to help with upcoming expenses and help the family start over.

Visit and search for Asfahl.

Or visit, click My Account in the top right corner, select the Asphalt charity, and click to the right of the charity.

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