Pierce Pepin Cares, the charitable arm of Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS), awarded grants for the third quarter to local non-profit programs recently. Pierce Pepin Cares is funded by PPCS members who round up their monthly bills to the nearest dollar through Operation Round Up®, as well as direct donations.
The Pierce Pepin Cares board approved $2,500 grants to Have a Heart, Inc., to assist with fixing siding, dead tree removal and finishing the entry to the renovated farmhouse, and to Prescott Foundation K9 Unit Fund to assist with costs associated with establishing a K9 unit for the Prescott area.
A grant was also awarded through Federated Youth Foundation to Ellsworth Community School District in the amount of $1,500 to support its fourth annual back-to-school event, providing school supplies, backpacks, shoes, calculators, and more.
Pierce Pepin Cares provides charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations that offer programs and support projects to enhance the quality of life for those within the communities served by PPCS.
Nonprofit organizations interested in applying may visit www.piercepepin.coop for information. The next application deadline is October 15.