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HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS January 15, 2025


Tuesday Scores:

Boys Basketball:

Hastings 67 Red Wing 53

Stewartville 72 Goodhue 53

Lake City 67 Kasson-Mantorville 49

Cannon Falls 77 Pine Island 74

Osceola 66 Ellsworth 60

Baldwin-Woodville 46 Prescott 45

Pepin-Alma 77 Augusta 68

Girls Basketball:

Stewartville 77 Red Wing 62

Kasson-Mantorville 66 Lake City 56

Cannon Falls 68 Pine Island 62

Prescott 51 Ellsworth 36

Pepin-Alma 64 Augusta 47

Boys Hockey:

Mankato West 8 Red Wing 1


PEM 44 Rochester Mayo 27, PEM 53 Byron 19 (PEM Triangular)

Fillmore Central 64 Wabasha-Kellogg 18, Triton 45 Wabasha-Kellogg 27 (Triton Triangular)


Red Wing fourth at the four team Owatonna Invite with a team score of 115.0

Boys Swimming & Diving:

Red Wing wins at Albert Lea and junior Zach Mikkelson of Red Wing sets a six dive pool record with a score of 297.5

Thursday Schedule:

Girls Hockey:

Red Wing at Rochester Century/John Marshall 6:45pm pre-game 7pm game on Bluff Country 1250 KCUE/KCUE 99FM and streamed at with Jack Colwell.

Boys Swimming & Diving:

Red Wing at Winona

Boys Basketball:

Goodhue at Schaeffer Academy

Cannon Falls at Lake City 7pm pre-game 7;15pm game on KLCH Lake Hits 95 and streamed at with Craig Kennedy.

Fillmore Central at PEM 7pm pre-game 7:15pm game on Pure Country WPVW 99.7FM and streamed at with Aaron Nicklay.

Winona Cotter at Wabasha-Kellogg

Girls Basketball:

Kasson-Mantorville at Goodhue 7pm pre-game 7:15pm game on KWNG 106 and streamed at with Race Roth.

Lake City at Cannon Falls

PEM at Fillmore Central

Wabasha-Kellogg at Winona Cotter

Cochrane-Fountain City at Pepin-Alma @ Alma


Goodhue at Kasson-Mantorville

Cannon Falls at Zumbrota-Mazeppa

Osseo-Fairchild, Arcadia at Ellsworth

Friday Schedule:

Boys Basketball:

St. Croix Central at Red Wing

Kasson-Mantorville at Goodhue 7pm pre-game 7;15pm game on KWNG 106 and streamed at with Race Roth.

Zumbrota-Mazeppa at Byron

Girls Basketball:

Red Wing at Rochester Century 7:15pm pre-game 7:30pm game on Bluff Country 1250 KCUE/KCUE 99FM and streamed at with Jack Colwell.

Byron at Zumbrota-Mazeppa

Albert Lea at Cannon Falls

Osceola at Ellsworth

Prescott at Baldwin-Woodville

Pepin-Alma at Cochrane-Fountain City


Red Wing at Mankato


Lake City at Pine Island

PEM, St. Charles at La Crescent

Wabasha-Kellogg, GMLOS at Lewiston-Altura/Rushford-Peterson

Saturday Schedule:

Boys Hockey:

Northfield at Red Wing 1:45pm pre-game 2pm game on Bluff Country 1250 KCUE/KCUE 99FM and streamed at with Jack Colwell.

Girls Hockey:

Red Wing at Northfield 1pm

Girls Basketball:

Goodhue vs. Winona Cotter @ Kasson-Mantorville 11:15am pre-game 11;30am game on KWNG 106 and streamed at with Race Roth.

Wabasha-Kellogg at Faribault Bethlehem Academy 1:30pm

Boys Basketball:

Wabasha-Kellogg at Faribault Bethlehem Academy 11:30am


Zumbrota-Mazeppa at Bloomington Kennedy Invite

Cannon Falls at St. Croix Lutheran Invite

Wabasha-Kellogg, Ellsworth at East Ridge Invite

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