The annual Grumpy Old Men Ice Fishing Tournament is a popular part of next month’s Grumpy Old Men Festival in Wabasha.
The 31st Annual Festival runs Friday, February 23rd and Saturday, the 24th and the tourment kicks off that Saturday.
Registration is from 8 am – 9:30 am and the Tournament is 10 am – 2 pm.
Awards and fishing tournament raffle drawings at 2:30 pm. Cost: $10 Adults; 12 & under $5
Weigh in will be located at the registration table in the parking lot at Parkside Marina.
All participants must follow the state of MN fishing laws and have a valid MN or WI fishing license.
Boundaries are Parkside Marina Only.
Prizes: Each category, Crappie, Sun Fish, Perch, Northern Pike receives $200 First $125 Second $75 Third Place Total $1600.
For all the information, go to https://www.wabashamn.org/grumpyoldmenfest/.