The Wabasha Port Authority is launching a Facade Improvement Grant program to help local businesses fund improvements to the exterior of commercial or industrial buildings.
The grant program is a 50/50 match (50% provided by the business and 50% provided by the grant program).
The minimum grant amount is $500. The maximum grant amount is $2,500 for non-historical buildings and $5,000 for historical buildings.
All businesses with a Wabasha address are eligible to apply.
Businesses owners can apply for grant funding to do projects such as exterior signage and improvements to the exterior of their business.
The project funding is on a first-come, first -served basis (while funding is available). Final grant approval is at the discretion of the Wabasha Port Authority.
The Facade Improvement Grant Program application,  guidelines and link  are available at https://www.wabasha.org/.