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Wabasha Co. Hazard Mitigation Plan Feedback

Greg Taylor

Wabasha County has completed an updated draft of its Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) and is now seeking public feedback.

Like all Minnesota counties, Wabasha County is vulnerable to a variety of natural hazards such as tornadoes, windstorms, severe winter storms, flooding, drought, and extreme temperatures, which can threaten the loss of life and property in the county.

Planning for natural disasters minimizes the impact of events that can cause vast economic loss and personal hardship.

All county residents, as well as other interested agency or organizational stakeholders are strongly encouraged to review and offer feedback on the interactive website, PDF of the draft plan, and proposed local mitigation actions.

The review and comment period is open through Monday, December 2nd.

The public can access the plan using the hyperlinks at

The Wabasha County HMP is a multi-jurisdictional plan that covers Wabasha County, including all cities and townships within the county. 

It also incorporates the concerns and needs of other key stakeholders such as school districts and related agencies, organizations, or businesses participating in the planning process.


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