Amateur Baseball:
The four Region 5C Amateur Baseball playoff games scheduled for Saturday in Cannon Falls have been rained out!
Here is the revised schedule:
Sunday, August 8 @ John Burch Park in Cannon Falls
12pm: Stewartville vs. Dodge County
3pm: Austin vs. Cannon Falls
6pm: Losers of 12pm and 3pm games meet in an elimination game
Sunday, August 8 @ Red Wing Athletic Field:
12pm: Lake City vs. Red Wing on Bluff Country 1250 KCUE/KCUE 99FM and stramed at
3pm: Wanamingo vs. Hastings
6pm Losers of 12pm and 3pm games meet in an elimination game
Monday, August 9 @ John Burch Park in Cannon Falls
7:30pm: Winners of 12pm and 3pm Sunday Games Meet
Monday, August 9 @ Red Wing Athletic Field:
7:30pm: Winners of 12pm and 3pm Sunday Games Meet
