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Greg Taylor

Friends of the Refuge Headwaters Photo Contest

The Friends of the Refuge Headwaters are encouraging all amateur photographers to get outside and capture the beauty of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge for a Centennial photo contest.

The Refuge, which was established in 1924 through the efforts of Will Dilg, founder of the Izaak Walton League of America, includes much of the lands and waters of the Mississippi River from Wabasha to Rock Island, Illinois. Photos taken on the Refuge will be accept until October 27.

Winning entries will become part of a traveling display at events up-and-down the Mississippi River in 2024.

Photographers may enter a total of three photos in the following categories; Scenic Views of the Refuge, Wildlife and Plants of the Refuge, and Connecting People with Nature on the Refuge.

There is a fourth category, Young Nature Photographers, for youth ages 16 and under. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three winners in each category and a “Best of Show” award will be given to the photo receiving the most public votes at the end of 2024.

For all the details, go to

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