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CP Holiday Train Returning

Greg Taylor

The Canadian Pacific (CP) Holiday Train will return to the rails this season on its first cross-continent tour in three years, following virtual concerts in the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021.

The train will again raise money, food and awareness for local food banks in communities along the CP network and will be making 3 stops in SE Minnesota on Sunday, December 11th.

The CP Holiday Train will make a stop at the Amtrak Station in Winona at 3:30 pm, with the event featuring live music from the train getting underway at 3:45 until 4:15 pm.

The next stop is Wabasha at the Gambie Avenue railway crossing by Bruegger (brew-ger)

Park scheduled for 5:30 pm, with entertainment from 5:45-6:15 pm.

The CP Holiday Train is scheduled to arrive at CP Depot in Hastings at 8 pm with entertainment from 8:15-8:45 pm.

Holiday Train shows are free to attend but CP asks attendees to bring a cash or non-perishable food donation if they're able.

Local food shelves will set up collection stations at each event, with all donations made staying with the local food bank to help people in need in the community.

Because local food shelves buy food at a discount, cash donations can go further than food donations to help those in need.

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