Traffic changes related to the Highway 61Withers Harbor Bridge replacement project in Red Wing have been postponed by weather conditions until Tuesday, April 25, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
From 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 25 to 7 a.m. Wednesday, April 26, Highway 61 traffic will be in single lanes in each direction in the southbound lanes.
Withers Harbor Drive will be open. Once completed, traffic will be switched back to single lane traffic in northbound and southbound lanes for the remainder of the week.
The work is dependent on weather, so plans may be postponed depending on conditions. MnDOT will announce any weather-related changes.
After that work is completed, Highway 61 traffic will be switched to single lane traffic in the southbound lanes and remain this way until the end of August.
Withers Harbor Drive will be closed again and remain closed for several weeks, at least until bridge demolition is completed.