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Rochester Med City Mover Shuttles

Greg Taylor

Two low-speed, driverless, electric, multi-passenger shuttles called the Med City Mover are now available for free public rides in downtown Rochester, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

This is the first automated pilot project to travel Minnesota streets. MnDOT and its partners will gather data and user-experience information during the year-long project to help prepare for the safe and expanded use of this technology in transportation.

During the pilot project, MnDOT and its partners hope to:

• Engage and educate the public by providing real world automated vehicle experience

• Identify infrastructure gaps and solutions to safely operate automated vehicles on public roadways

• Advance the operation of automated vehicle technology in winter weather conditions

While the shuttles are driverless, an attendant will always accompany each shuttle following state law to verify the safe operation of the vehicle and aid passengers as needed.

The two, six-passenger shuttles travel up to 15-miles per hour, making two stops along the route. Motorists may encounter these slower moving vehicles when traveling downtown Rochester and should take additional caution.

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