If you a renter or rental property owner in Red Wing, the City of Red Wing wants to connect with you this week.
You are invited to the Red Wing Public Library on Tuesday, April 9 for renters and Thursday, April 11 for property owners – from 6 to 7:30 p.m. for both meetings.
Michelle Leise, Community Engagement Facilitator for the City of Red Wing, says the City want’s to hear how the Rental License Program is going for you and if you have any concerns and questions. There will be a presentation at 6 pm both nights and then time for questions.
Leise says Red Wing’s home inspectors will share information on how to get your home ready for an inspection and what the most common violations are.
Other topics covered include Renter’s Insurance, Housing Choice Vouchers, details on free classes and additional resources, and a chance to giver feedback on the Rental License program.
If you have a question or topic you want covered, call Michelle Liese at 385-3618 so they can include that information.