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Red Wing School Board Budget

Greg Taylor

The Red Wing School Board last Monday directed staff to stay the course with 2023-2024 budgeting.

The board approved a budget reconciliation plan that would trim $624,516 for next year. That reflects both declining enrollment and 3% hike to the state's per pupil funding formula.

Although news from the Legislature indicates more financial support for schools might be coming, nothing will be assured until lawmakers adjourn on May 22nd. The budget will be adjusted in June.

In other business:

· The board approved a 30-year agreement with Hiawatha Broadband Communications. HBC will continue to use land for a communications tower, providing the district with fiberoptic strands connecting various schools to high speed internet.


· Director of Teaching & Learning Martina Wagner presented cultural training options for the School Board. She will return later this spring with a recommendation and plan.

The board will meet next at 5 p.m. Monday, April 17, in Red Wing High School room J-110.

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