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Greg Taylor

Red Wing Police Department Possible Expansion

The Red Wing Police Department is exploring several options to expand at a new location, possibly sharing space with the Public Works Department.

Police Chief Nick Sather, along with a representative of BKV Consultants, gave the Red Wing City Council an update Monday night on a possible location, off Technology Drive, and findings on the Block Study concept recently completed.

The study addresses the building needs of the Police Department and the Public Works Department.

Sather says collaborating with the Goodhue County Sheriff’s Office is also an option.

Sather says the project needs nearly a year to plan and another 18 months to build and the estimate for every year that the Police Facility is moved back could cost an estimated one million dollars each year due to estimated rising construction costs of approximately six percent. Their lease with the Law Enforcement Center is currently set to expire in 2027. 

The public works and police combined facility would not likely fit the needs of the public works and police, especially considering the cost associated, approximatly $85-million.

The estimated cost for a police-only facility was between $24 and $28-million.

The Council voted to table the discussion for a workshop in February.

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