Prior to the regular Red Wing City Council meeting Tuesday night the council will hold a budget workshop and the public is invited to attend.
The workshop begins at 5 pm and the council will discuss 2024 budget priorities.
Last month the council approved a 16.5% preliminary property tax levy. The council will hold their annual Truth in Taxation Meeting on December 5 when they can lower the levy but NOT raise it beyond the preliminary amount.
The agenda for Tuesday’s night regular council meeting at 6 pm includes the presentation of the 2023 Amos Owen Award winner and Paige Caswell, the Executive Director of the Visitor and Convention Bureau, will be in attendance to provide the Council with an update on VCB activities.
There is also a public hearing scheduled on an Interim Ordinance (Moratorium) Prohibiting Cannabis Sale and Production in the City of Red Wing until January 1, 2025.
The City Council is meeting on Tuesday because Monday, October 9th is Indigenous Peoples' Day and Chief Red Wing Day.