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Pierce Pepin Coop Services Safety Poster Winners

As part of National Electrical Safety Month, Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS) and the Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA) teamed up in May to host an electrical safety poster contest that was open to all third graders in Pierce and Pepin Counties.

Azalyn Larson of Caddie Woodlawn Elementary was awarded the first-place prize and a $40 gift card, and Hailee Thoner of St. Francis Elementary was awarded the second-place prize and a $30 gift card. Larson also received a $25 gift card from WECA for her first-place finish.

PPCS has forwarded their posters to WECA for judging in the statewide contest.

Photos:TOP Azalyn Larson from Caddie Woodlawn Elementary won first place and received a total of $65 in prizes from PPCS and WECA.

Hailee Thoner from St. Francis Elementary received a $30 gift card from PPCS for second place.

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