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Greg Taylor

Wabasha County Historical Society Reads Landing School

It’s been a busy summer for the Wabasha County Historical Society. President Elect, Margaret Peterson, says their museum, located inside the Reads Landing School, offers a wide variety of displays and there are Commemorative Coins to mark the 150 years of the school and are presented to visitors.

Peterson says they are featuring a summer coloring contest for all ages and the popular Trivia Challenge is going on as well.

Peterson says the museum has new exhibits and at the end of

WCHS displays include a restored school room; exhibits on early river transportation, American Indian artifacts, military and household items as well as numerous photos of history of the area.

The Reads Landing School Museum, run by volunteers, is open Saturdays and Sundays 1-4 pm through October 18th. For more information go to and like Wabasha County Historical Society on Facebook.

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