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Red Wing Improved Fire Suppression Rating

Red Wing has received a new improved rating of its fire suppression delivery system, which in turn will likely save homeowners and commercial property owners money on their insurance premiums. 

The rating is the result of a recently completed Public Protection Classification (PPC) survey from the Insurance Services Office (ISO).

The survey was conducted with the cooperation of the Red Wing Fire Department and assistance of the Public Works Department, which maintains the city’s fire hydrant system. The 911 system was also included in the evaluation. 

ISO uses a 1-10 classification system, with 1 being the best, to rate the fire prevention and fire suppression capabilities of communities or fire protection areas. Insurance companies use those PPC grades in their underwriting process to determine the rates charged to policyholders, and a higher PPC grade is generally associated with lower insurance prices. 

As of June 1, 2024, Red Wing’s new rating will be 03/3Y, reflecting improvement from the previous rating of 04/4Y.

The split rating indicates that there are locations in Red Wing that are within five miles of a fire station but not within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant.


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