Three Rivers Community Action's plans for a 48-unit affordable-income housing project, including 12 supportive units, came before City Council again on Monday night and failed to garner the needed votes to move forward.
The council was considering a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone two parcels along Technology Drive in the Med Tech Park Subdivision near Walmart from Light Industrial to Multi-Family Residential to accommodate the project.
Zoning changes requires 5 yes votes to pass.
Becky Norton supported the project and zoning change and said the fact that surrounding businesses were opposed to the new housing didn’t mean there weren’t ways to address their issues and the city really needs the project.
Janie Fararr says she loves the project it’s just not the right spot for it.
Council members Beise, Brown, Lambert, and Norton voted yes with Goggin, Farrar, and Kliewer voting no.
The Planning Commission had recommended approval of the zoning amendment with a vote of five ayes and one nay at its September 19 meeting.