The Red Wing City Council recently voted to establish fees for the Level 2 EV Charger located in the West Parking Lot at City and discussed another EV related item that would expand the city’s footprint in the EV business.
Shawn Blaney Public Works Director was looking for Council direction regarding a financial commitment of $13,000 for a ZEF Energy Station to be installed at 1511 Old West Main.
Blaney explained how the process would work if the Council decides to move forward with the project. ZEF would run the station for 5 years and then the City would take over ownership.
Council member Evan Brown said he supports the idea and the expense could come from city's fund for renewable projects.
Councilman Don Kliewer made it clear he thinks EV charging stations is better left to businesses.
After further discussion, the council directed Public Works to continue to talk with ZEF officials but no official action was taken. The Council did vote 6-1 to charge $2/hour to cover the energy and demand use of the existing EV Charger at City Hall. Kliewer cast the lone no vote.