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Plainview Police Department Officer Medal of Valor

Greg Taylor

The Plainview Police Department awarded Officer Keven Kuhlemeier with the Medal of Valor Wednesday for his bravery in disarming and defusing a hostile suspect in the line of duty.

On May 13th, 911 received a call from a child stating his dad had a gun and he was going to shoot his mother. Officer Kuhlemeier arrived on the scene and was assisted by Wabasha County Sheriff’s Office. Officer Kuhlemeier, along with the help of a deputy, ensured the wife and son were safely removed from the property. The wife stated that her husband was intoxicated, he threatened to kill her, he threatened to take his own life, and he had gun.

A third law enforcement officer arrived at the scene and saw the suspect move from the house to the garage. He eventually came out of the garage and put a rifle to his head. The suspect pulled the trigger, but it malfunctioned and did not fire.

Then the suspect ejected the round and first pointed the rifle in the direction of the deputies and then he put the rifle to his head a second time. Officer Kuhlemeier positioned himself closer to the suspect to try and was eventually successful in getting the suspect to put the rifle down and come towards him, leaving the rifle behind.

Two rounds with dented primers were retrieved from the scene, leading law enforcement to conclude that the suspect had tried to fire his rifle twice but was not successful. Officer Kuhlemeier exhibited exceptional courage and extraordinary decisiveness.

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