Pierce Pepin Cares, the charitable foundation of Pierce Pepin Cooperative Services (PPCS), recently awarded third-quarter grants to four nonprofits.
The Pierce Pepin Cares board approved a $750 grant to Have a Heart, Inc. and three $1,000 grants to Our Neighbors’ Place, the Spring Valley Fire Department, and Staying Put, Inc.
In addition, the Federated Youth Foundation, which is funded by abandoned capital credits, also awarded grants to Ellsworth Elementary School and Prescott Middle School. Ellsworth Elementary School was awarded a $1,500 grant and Prescott Middle School a $2,000 grant.
Pierce Pepin Cares is funded by PPCS members who participate in Operation Round Up by voluntarily rounding up their monthly energy bills, as well as direct donations.
Have a Heart requested a grant to purchase materials for crafting, gardening, baking, and science experiments for its clients.
Our Neighbors’ Place requested a grant to purchase fuel cards to assist their guests. The Spring Valley Fire Department will use the grant money to purchase four new pagers with chargers that will allow its members to be notified of emergency calls, and the Staying Put, Inc. grant will be used to include a second instructor for its Strong Bodies Fitness program.
Ellsworth Elementary School will use the grant for its fifth annual Back to School Event to purchase necessary school supplies for students in need, and Prescott Middle School will use the grant to purchase iPads for the STEM department to help students gain hands-on technology-related experience flying drones.