Minnesota State College Southeast and the Jones Family Foundation launch of the Red Wing College Promise has the community excited.
MSC Southeast President, Dr. Marsha Danielson, says the program will guarantee access to a college education at MSC Southeast, both campuses and online, to every qualifying student graduating from one of Red Wing’s three public high schools and 5RiversOnline in 2023.
Dr. Danielson says the program, which started in 2005 in Michigan and is being utilized in Austin, Minnesota, will be a big plus for students, the college, and the entire community.
To qualify for the program, students must have a minimum average high school GPA of 2.0 in their junior and senior years of high school or must identity as first generation to attend college, low-income, or a member of a historically underserved racial/ethnic group.
For more information about the Red Wing College Promise, go to www.southeastmn.edu/RedWingPromise .