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Knobelsdorff Associated Builders and Contractors Ranking

Knobelsdorff, based in Goodhue, is ranked #89 on Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) 2022 Top 200 Performers list.

The list ranks its commercial and industrial contractor members that build long-lasting high-quality construction projects, based on work hours.

Knobelsdorff also ranked #48 on the ABC’s Top 100 General Contractors in the U.S.

This is the third year Knobelsdorff has earned this award.

Eligibility requirements for the top 100 general contractors include contractors that achieved STEP Gold or higher and earned ABC’s AQC credential in 2020, ranked by works hours.

Knobelsdorff is a premier Electrical, Engineering, Automation, and Renewable Energy team offering endless opportunities and innovative solutions to customers across North America.

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