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Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s Blood Shortage

Greg Taylor

The American Red Cross is experiencing an ongoing blood shortage.

Rachel Thimmesch, lab manager at Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s in Wabasha, says there are several reasons why including, blood center staffing limitations, blood drive cancellations and decreased donor turnout due to the pandemic. The shortage has become increasingly severe due to the Delta and Omicrom variants.

Thimmesch says giving and receiving blood is very safe and for those who haven’t given blood, the process usually takes about 60 minutes.

Gundersen St. Elizabeth’s is hosting a blood drive Monday, March 28th from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm.

Goodhue High School is hosting a blood drive this Thursday, from 9 am – 2 pm.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Red Wing will have a blood drive from 1 pm – 7 pm on April 5th.

To find a blood drive near you, go to and look under the Give Blood tab.

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