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City of Red Wing Projects in Walz Bonding Bill

A recommended $6.1 million in funding for two City of Red Wing projects was included in Gov. Tim Walz’s 2022 local jobs and projects plans, which he unveiled on Tuesday, January 18.

The governor is recommending a $4.1 million grant to Red Wing toward design and construction of Red Wing’s Upper Harbor and Bay Point Park Renewal on the Mississippi riverfront. This would complete the final project phase of the two-phase project. The total project cost is $5.46 million.

The governor is also recommending a $2 million grant toward the final design and construction of the riverfront connection to Red Wing's historic He Mni Can-Barn Bluff Regional Park area.

The total project cost is $4.86 million.

A bonding bill requires a three-fifths supermajority in both the House and Senate to pass.

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