People in and around Hastings still have time to contribute to a greart cause.
The 3rd Annual ‘Sound the Siren!’ Food for Kids food drive continues through Friday, April 28th.
The food drive is a friendly competition between the City of Hastings Police Department and the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office.
The community is encouraged to donate individual serving sizes of ravioli, soups, chili; mac and cheese cups; fruit cups; cereal, oatmeal; juice, hot chocolate; healthy snacks; and any kid-friendly, single-serving, non-perishable food items. When the cars are filled, the sirens will sound.
Drop off donations at Hastings City Hall or the Hastings Police Department, from 8 am to 4 pm.
The Dakota County Sheriff's Office will be collecting food in the the lobby of the Sheriff's Office (1580 Hwy 55) and the lobby of the Dakota County Administration Center (1590 Hwy 55).