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Greg Taylor

Wabasha Co Commissioners Cannabis Ordinance

Wabasha County Commissioners discussed a proposed ordinance which would regulate cannabis-related businesses within the county during their August 20th meeting.

According to the Plainview News, discussion centered mostly on regulations relating to where shops could be located, what times they could operate, and how close the shops could be to schools, parks, day care facilities and such.

A section of the County’s ordinance regulating cannabis businesses, states that the County may establish, own, and operate one municipal cannabis retail business subject to the restrictions listed in the chapter. The municipal cannabis retail store shall not be included in any limitation of the number of registered cannabis retail businesses.

Wabasha County would be subject to all same rental license requirements and procedures applicable to all other applicants.

The ordinance would apply to the legal boundaries of Wabasha County.

City officials could create their own ordinances or delegate that authority to the County.

Officials who adopt their own ordinance could choose to have their own terms and would not have to mimic the county’s regulations.

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