United Way of Hastings Stuff the Bus is going on this week through Sunday.
United Way Food4Kids partners with Coborn's to get discounted food, Hastings Schools to work with the kiddos & families to provide the weekend food bags to students, plus provide additional resources & counseling to get to the root cause of hunger at home.
Our Saviour's Evangelical Lutheran Church provides storage, space to pack, help with scheduling packing events & making sure food bags are ready each week for the students.
Items needed include, oatmeal packets, peanut butter individual cups, soups, mac and cheese, juice boxes/Hot chocolate, beef sticks/jerky, cereal bars, and other non-perishable food items, easy to open cans and microwavable food.
Drop off items at Coburn’s, Cub and Walmart in Hastings.
For more information and the list of needed items, go to https://unitedwayofhastings.org/site/.