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Red Wing Tree Grant EAB

Greg Taylor

To bolster its efforts in fighting against the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) insect, the City of Red Wing has been awarded by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources a $94,000 Shade Tree Bonding Grant.

The City will use the funds to supplement its ash tree management efforts by removing an additional 230 trees infested with EAB on City property through 2024. All trees removed must be replaced with a diversified array of tree species.

The City hopes to plant 110 new trees within boulevards and parks this fall.

If Red Wing property owners are interested in hosting a new tree within the boulevard, the City would like to hear from you. Being a host would mean helping maintain watering efforts.

To volunteer to host a new planting either this fall or next spring, please sign up by completing a short form found at

Volunteer hosts will not be able to select the tree type to be planted due to efforts to diversify the types of trees planted around Red Wing.

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