The Red Wing City Council meet Thursday night at 5 pm for a special budget workshop the Mayor requested to discuss 2024 budget priorities.
Last month the council approved a 16.5% preliminary property tax levy. The council had 2 other choices, 12% and 9%, but the majority felt that by setting it lower, it might mean further deep cuts in the budget and the higher amount was recommended, providing the funding needed for the proposed budget, about 27.4 million dollars.
Mayor Mike Wilson would like to see that increase whittled down to 5%, but that wouldn’t mean cuts to emergency personnel and vital staff.
Mayor Wilson noted that several members spoke during the comment period of Tuesday’s council meeting that supported the current proposed levy amount, unlike 2 weeks ago when all the comments were for cutting it.
The council will hold their annual Truth in Taxation Meeting on December 5 when they can lower the levy but NOT raise it beyond the preliminary amount.