The Red Wing City Council last week approved an agreement with Xcel Energy to develop and construct an electric vehicle charging station in a designated area behind the old Bauer Built building at 1511 Old West Main.
Xcel Energy recently approached the City to request the site for one of the 21 DC fast charging stations they'll be installing in their outstate territory.
Council member Becky Norton says it’s a good fit for the city.
The charging station would be paid for by Xcel, and any revenue generated would go to Xcel (for at least 10 years).
Public Works Director, Shawn Blaney, says the amount Xcel will charge varies depending on the time of the year, between .32 cents and between June and September .52 cents per kilowatt hour.
Xcel’s goal is to have the charger operational by the end of the year.
If it's more than .25 then it's not competitive with gasoline.