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Red Wing City Council Approve Pay Step Increases

Greg Taylor

At their last meeting, the Red Wing City Council voted 6-1 to approve and implement the Classification and Compensation study to address the below market pay which is preventing the City’s ability to retain and recruit employees, address internal equity, and to comply with MN State Pay Equity law.

Last September, the council approved an increase in pay for all licensed police officers, greatly assisted with retaining and recruiting police officers. Many City staff used the Public Comment portion of the two meetings in May to voice their support of Option 2, Steps based on Years in Position.

City Council Administrator, Kay Kuhlman, spoke in favor of the pay increase before the vote.

Kuhlman said the second option places employees on the scale at the step they should be at based on their years of experience in their current position and values their experience and allows employees with long tenures to be placed at the top step.

A primary reason for updating the pay study was the loss of employees, and lack of ability to attract employees in critical positions.

The City was out of compliance with the State's Pay Equity law. Adoption of the new plan brings the City into compliance.

Council member Rob Goggin cast the lone no vote, saying wage raises could lead to later layoffs, which he is against.

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