Progress continues on the work being done to Old West Main Street in Red Wing.
The contractor has successfully completed all new underground utility work and is currently working on constructing the new roadway sand and aggregate base section between Buchanan and Jefferson Street. The contractor anticipates having this last block of Old West Main Street ready for new curb and gutter first thing this week.
The concrete contractor is scheduled to remain onsite through all of this week in order to get as much concrete work completed as possible. The concrete contractor is focusing on the new concrete sidewalk at the Jefferson Street intersection and then will be pouring the new concrete pavement within the intersection.
The proposed schedule is to have all concrete and bituminous work completed on Old West Main Street to allow the roadway to be fully opened to traffic from Buchanan Street to TH 61/Main Street by Labor Day weekend.
The reconstruction of the alley and Jackson Street are anticipated to start in September and with goal of having the project final complete, including all lighting, plantings and streetscape by end of the year.
Red Wing Riverview Skyway "Pedestrian Bridge" Update:
The parking area at the bridge entrance on Levee Road is ready for use for additional Old West Main Street parking and business access.