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CP Holiday Train Concert

Greg Taylor

The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train will not be visiting communities in Minnbesota again this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but the goal of raising food and funds in the fight against hunger remains the same.

Wabasha is inviting area residents to join them for a Holiday Train Drive-Thru Event Saturday, from 4:00-6:00 pm in the Parking Lot outside the Food Share, 142 2nd St. West (next to Grampa’s Barn).

Canadian Pacific Will Match Monetary Donations and the Wabasha Area Food Shelf can leverage your dollars to buy more food less expensively from Channel One Food Bank.

The CP "Holiday Train at Home" concert will be streamed live on Facebook, Youtube and their webpage on Saturday starting at 7 pm.

The concert will also be archived on their Facebook page for those who want to watch it later.

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