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Greg Taylor

City of Red Short-term Rental Code

Owners/operators of a short-term rental in Red Wing are required by City Code, effective this past Saturday, to apply for a Certificate of Compliance for owner-occupied units or an Interim Use Permit for non-owner-occupied units prior to operation.

The City is limiting the number of non-owner-occupied units within the city to 50, and no more than two non-owner-occupied units may be located closer than 400 feet from another non-owner-occupied short-term rental unless they are within the same multi-family building.

Other requirements include standards for off-street parking in residentially zoned neighborhoods, limits on the number of occupants, and a requirement to pay local hotel/motel lodging taxes.

The City has created a page on their website that contains all the necessary forms, meeting dates, fees, and links to the Minnesota Department of Health. You can find this at:

Code enforcement action on those properties will begin in January 2024.

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