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ADA of Goodhue County Dairy Princess

The American Dairy Association of Goodhue County is seeking candidates to participate in this year’s dairy princess program.

Dairy princesses serve as goodwill ambassadors for the dairy industry through appearances that help explain dairy farmers’ passion for taking care of their animals and land while providing nutritious food for people locally and throughout the world.

A candidate must be a high school graduate by July 1, 2023, and not yet 24 years old by July 1, 2023 and be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident. She or her parents must be actively engaged in the production of milk for sale to a licensed plant during the current year.

A candidate also qualifies if she or her parents are employed on a dairy farm in a dairy-related capacity, or if a sibling has taken over the home farm. Additionally, she would qualify if her or her family custom raise animals that will produce milk or lease animals in exchange for work on that farm.

Serving as a county dairy princess is also the first step toward potentially becoming Princess Kay of the Milky Way. Ten finalists will be selected to compete for the Princess Kay title in August.

At all levels of competition, contestants are judged on their communication skills, personality, enthusiasm for dairy promotion and general knowledge of the dairy industry.

For a complete rules and application form, contact any Goodhue County Dairy Association Board Member or email: or call/text: 651-380-8874/651-380-1795.

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