Han Snowlo and Blizzo join the state’s snowplow fleet as winners of the 2023 “Name a Snowplow” contest, along with six other popular names.
The Minnesota of Transportation says more than 64,000 voters cast a ballot in the contest. One newly named snowplow will be assigned to each of MnDOT’s eight districts.
District 6 (Southeast Minnesota) received the most votes and the winner for our district is Scoop! There it is.
Scoop! There it is will be the third named snowplow in southeast Minnesota. Edward Blizzardhands joined the fleet in 2022 and Snowbi-Wan Kenobi was added in 2021.
Some other cleverly named winners this year include Better Call Salt –for District 3 (Central Minnesota) and Sleetwood Mac – District 4 (West Central Minnesota).